
Genesis of identity – Aligning what you are to what do you want to be

Genesis of identity – Aligning what you are to what do you want to be

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Aligning what you are to what do you want to be


  • INNER IMAGE: One: What you believe about you inside you, inside your body, what you perceive you as you. Please understand, not what you want as you. No! What you feel as you, the qualities you think as you, all the doubts you have about you, all the confusions you have about you, whatever you think about you inside your body, inside you, please understand, that is what is “inner-image”. What you perceive as you, what you brood over inside your body, inside you, is “inner-image”.

    • the strong beliefs you have ou. e.g ‘Whatever I touch, it will not flourish. The moment I get success, it will be taken away.’ This kind of belief.

    • what you describe as your inner-image is not true, but what you feel you pen down.

    • Understand what I am saying, because only if we know what is, we can create what we want.

  • OUTER IMAGE: How you show you to others, to the world constantly. Sometimes it will be same as what you feel inside you. Sometimes there will be a little gap. Sometimes it is diametrically opposite what you show you to the outer world.

    • All the time you say, “do you know who am i?”

  • OTHERS IMAGE: How others perceive you – Not how you want others to perceive you, but how others perceive you as you now. Listen! When some of your friends, relatives, come to your place and tell big-big stories about them, so many stories – ‘I am this person, that person…’ – so many stories, and after their stories they go out, what you actually talk about them. Do you believe their stories? How many of you don’t believe these kind of stories, that people come and tell stories, raise your hand! (People raise their hands). Alright, drop the hand! Please listen! When you go and tell stories to others, how many of you believe the other person has really believed your stories, raise your hand!

    • What others think about you – You are responsible for it – you create even that expectation in them.

  • LIFE IMAGE: How you perceive life and others

    • Being able to trust life and others is one of the most important luxury you have in life

    • Being careful is different, being fearful is different.


    • MY INNER IMAGE: huge, vast nirvana / emptiness. Just vastness. Vast completion space. I do not feel I am Shiva, devi, kalabhariava, or God, or Goddess, or enlightening Buddha. I don’t feel any of them inside me. Just the vast emptiness, which I cannot describe, that is what I feel as my inner-image.

    • MY OUTER IMAGE: I am an incarnation happened to transmit this same experience to you. That is my declared outer image.

    • OTHERS IMAGE: Whatever you may be asking, whether it is enlightenment or not, I am responsible as long as it comes under the purview of my declaration.

    • LIFE IMAGE: Whole world is here to celebrate with me sharing this joy and bliss and completion. I see every one of you as part of me celebrating the universe in the space of Advaita.

      • When I see you, I feel when I am going to make you experience Advaita.

      • Will do anything within the purview of my declaration: Whatever you are asking is within the purview of my declaration, I am responsible and I will do it. When I declare I am an incarnation who is here to transmit that experience to you, so within that energy purview only your health comes, your wealth comes, your knowledge comes, and your relationship comes.

      • I cannot be Sachin: See, if you expect suddenly I should give hundred centuries like Sachin Tendulkar, I am not responsible for that, you understand? Because, that is not within the purview of my declaration.

      • I will cause miracles for you: But if you expect me to cause miracle in you and make you healthy, make you wealthy, and make you fulfilled in your relationships, make you experience your Completion, Satori, Enlightenment, for all these, whether I said or not, whether I am reason or not, I am responsible!

      • I have to give you that, and I have to make you, prepare you, make you qualified to receive it. And I will do my job!

      • I am responsible for the ripple effects of the image I declared. I may not have directly said, ‘I will heal your headache! I will heal your Cancer! I will bring wealth to you! I will make you rich! I will remove the poverty consciousness!’ I never said all those words directly. But, all these naturally come under the purview of my declaration, my outer-image that I declared. All of you clear?

    • I am an Incarnation: And I am telling you guys, I am very clearly declaring, with all my integrity, authenticity, responsibility and commitment, I am an incarnation happened, happening to transmit this enlightenment experience to all of you!

    • I will be available till you experience: Till I fulfil all the expectations of the people entangled with me, means, who are initiated by me, till you rest in the space I have to make myself available to you whether you leave the body or I leave the body! The moment initiation happens, I commit with you, I have to make myself available to you. I make you reach that state. It is a commitment; I am responsible for it. That is why still Buddha is available for our call. That is why Ramakrishna is still available. Masters are still available because of their commitment to the world and human-beings. So, whether you directly declared or not, within the purview of the declaration you are responsible for others-image.

1. Describe all the words & statements you use to describe yourself – the qualities that you believe are part of your internal image – INNER IMAGE (e.g. “I am lazy”)

2. Describe all the qualities you project to others; which you believe are a part of your external image – OUTER IMAGE (e.g. “I am kind”)

3. Describe all the words & statements others have used to describe you – what they believe is the image they carry about you – OTHERS IMAGE (e.g. “you are arrogant”)

4. Describe all your words, statements and beliefs about the world and about life –- LIFE IMAGE (e.g. “life is cruel”)

  • SELF DOUBT: The gap between inner-image and outer-image… Listen!

    • Root: Convince others, but not you – Inside you, you know certain things about you, but outside, you go and present in some other way. The person to whom you presented, he is convinced. But when you come back, you get the doubt, ‘Oh, God, I have convinced him about me, but not me about me!’ That is what “Self Doubt” is. That is where the Self Doubt starts.

    • Not even when you keep on repeating, when others are convinced that is when the self-doubt starts. If you just go on be telling without anybody around you, it doesn’t become self-doubt. When others are become convinced, only then it is self-doubt.

  • SELF HATRED: The gap between outer-image and others-image. The way you project you and the way the other person believes you, this gap is “Hatred”. You want to project you in some way (outer-image), but the other person is not ready to accept you; that gap is “Hatred”. And the hatred always impacts you.

    • When that happens, you feel lost every time about how to make them convinced about it and that comes back as hatred for yourself. You feel unworthy and solidified unworthiness in you becomes hatred.
    • You very strongly try to project that you are a great charitable giver, outer-image you want to show, and the others-image that you want to show – ‘I know you fellow! How much you cheat, swindled crores, and trying to give annas and few paisas!’ – This gap gets developed in you as “Self Hatred”.

    • Feeling “I am not enough” – that is the space Self Hatred starts growing.

  • SELF DENIAL – Gap between Others-image and Life-image

    • What others feel about you, and you feel about life, you feel about others.

    • You always wanted others to feel very good about you, but inside your heart you are very clear everyone around you in life cheats, out to get you. This gap, you never try to fill the gap. You constantly live denial.

    • Not being in touch with reality and go on denying reality. All your worries are self denials. It is not there in reality but you feel it may come.

    • You always wanted others to trust you, and you will not trust others. You think that is your intelligence. No! That is your stupidity!

    • When you don’t expect others and you deny it on you, then ok. It doesn’t become self-denial in you. When you expect others and but you don’t do it, then it becomes self-denial.

    • When you give up/compromise from space of powerlessness due to others’ image or life image, you deny some parts of you and that becomes self-denial. When you compromise on something from the space of responsibility, then it is not self-denial.

    • The biggest secret is opening up, but not being powerless.

      • Trust, open up, but never being dependent. – Completely open, trusting, but not powerless. – But unfortunately, whenever we are open, we feel we are vulnerable; so we close ourselves, but we expect the other person should be open.

      • So this gap you expect the other person should be feeling you are trusting, loving, compassionate, but you are never trusting, loving, compassionate, this denial, as long as you think this is intelligent, you are gone, life is destruction!

      • All breakdown in life happens in Self-Denial

    • EGO

      • NOT recognizing what you are is EGO

      • not having clarity of what you are

      • ego is not having LARGE OUTER IMAGE

      • ego means – not realizing you

      • the components of which you are made – not realizing it – whatever covers your reality is EGO


    • for example, you are sick and want to get well.

    • You think, ‘Will I get well?’ – Self Doubt!

    • ‘I think I am not worthy of getting healthy. Whatever I have done, that is why I am going through this.’ – Self Hatred!

    • ‘I will not get well I know.’ – Self Denial!

    • That is exactly the game you will be playing!

  1. Self Doubt” when you project yourself in some way, which you think you are not, to others, when the other person is convinced, but you are not convinced, what happens in you is “Self Doubt”. Pen down all the Self Doubts you have about you and incidents when it started in you.

  1. Self Hatred” – the way you project you and the way the other person believes you, this gap is “Hatred”. You want to project you in some way (outer-image), but the other person is not ready to accept you; that gap is “Hatred”. And the hatred always impacts you. Pen down all the Self Hatred patterns you have and incidents when it started in you.


  1. Self Denial” – You always wanted others to feel great about you; means, very trusting, loving, compassionate, caring. But, inside you think, ‘All these fellows are cheating.’ When you open and trust others, you feel vulnerable, you are afraid that tomorrow they may cheat you. So you keep yourself closed. But you constantly expect that others should open. This is “Self Denial”. Pen down all the Self Denial patterns you have and incidents when it started in you.

What you have written so far, is what you have currently. Now write down, the 4 images you WANT to have

– The best INNER IMAGE you want to have

– The best OUTER IMAGE you want to project

– The best OTHERS IMAGE you want to have

– The best LIFE IMAGE you want to have



    • IT IS MY JOB TO MAKE IT – Don’t ever think will I able to make it, making is not your job I have to make, you just order.

    • You ORDER, I will CATER

    • Pen down elaborately.

    • You are re-writing your future & I am your co-creator – What you are writing now, this will be your future. You are literally re-writing your future. You are not going to do it alone. Write with the confidence of having me as your co-creator.

    • Only then I can help you to find the incompletions you want to complete.

    • Only when you complete, creation can happen.

  • Read what you have written so far
    • Your 4 images – what you currently have
    • Your SDHD
    • Your Best 4 images – what you want to have
      • How many of you found out that all 4 images are automatically aligned – that is Authenticity
  • Identify your incompletions – the moment you read, all your incompletions you need to complete will be clear to you. The obstacles you need to conquer becomes clear.
    • Whatever is stopping you from achieving your authentic 4 images is incompletion

Definition of Incompletion – The past thoughts, emotions, patterns, hangovers, residues, sitting in the present and suffocating you, not letting you live your future is incompletion.

  • All your SDHDs are your incompletions only
    • SDHD plays a major role in what images you have and what images you want to have
    • Whatever you think needs to be corrected in you, pen them down.
    • e. g. Inner Image now: doubting on everyone, New Inner Image: trusting yourself and every one
    • What is the work you need to do? – dropping the incompletions of non-trusting
      • pen down I have to drop the incompletions of non-trusting
      • remember when it is started in you – some incident when it started – write it briefly
      • This may not be the truth, but will lead you to the truth.
      • Whatever you think is incompletion, need to drop to achieve the authenticity
  • Moving from Inauthentic Identity to Authentic Identity
    • The inner image, outer image, others image, life image you have now is inauthentic identity.
    • The inner image, outer image, others image, life image you want to have is your authentic identity.
    • Now, you need to move from your inauthentic identity to your authentic identity.
      • don’t worry I will make it happen
      • It is simply possible
    • Pen down all the things you need to do to move from inauthentic identity to authentic identity.
      • It can go even up to 100 things but if less than 50 things, something is wrong with your thinking.


    • The inner image, outer image, others image, life image you have now is inauthentic identity. The inner image, outer image, others image, life image you want to have is your authentic identity.
    • Identify and pen down all the incompletions that are stopping you from expressing your authentic identity.
    • For each incompletion, find out and pen down the incident when the incompletion started in you. Example: the incompletion is fear of going to the beach, the incident is the murder in the beach which you saw.


  • Identifying the situation
    • Each incompletion pattern starts with an incident
    • Try to look into your life – each incompletion you wrote, try to find the incidents
      • Only by reliving you are going to completion
    • Incident is the root where your incompletions are rooted.
e.g Shivering Fear of beach Seeing the murder


  • Creating context for RE-WRITING YOUR FUTURE
    • Identifying what you need to do to create your authentic identity sets the context for the whole transformation to happen in you
    • Today’s authenticity process creates the context for you to build your whole life and to re-write your future.
    • Walk out of years of suffering: Problems with which you are suffering for years, I will just clear it.
  • My Promise to all of you:
    • A doctor comes and tells you I am doctor I have done 1000 surgery successfully in my 10yrs of experience – this is not ego or pride
    • My promise – I can blow away years of suffering!
      • 10, 20, 30yrs of addiction, habits, incompletions with which you are suffering, I can just blow it away
    • Only what you identify as incompletions can be cleared
      • I can blow it away but you need to know that is incompletion only then I can blow it away
      • tumours can be removed not your muscle / tissue
        • it’s ethics of enlightenment – only when you know something is incompletion, I have a right to remove it
        • you know something is incompletion, I can precisely remove it
        • You may think I am your enemy – If I start removing what you think as your muscle but what is actual tumour, you start thinking that I am your enemy and you don’t have that much of intelligent, awareness, patients to bear with me
  • I will remove all your incompletions
    • If you know something is incompletion then I commit with you, I remove it just like that
    • so this process creates the context for whole rewriting your future
    • Be as sincere as you can provide yourself listening and pen down ok. Go ahead.
  • (Re-)Initiation into COMPLETION
    • This process you are going to do till you achieve enlightenment.
    • Just this one process can give you whatever you want, whether money, health, contentment, peace, love, enlightenment, whatever you want.
    • Every auspicious thing I received in my life came from space of Completion – My enlightenment, my knowledge, my experience, my ability to share with you, and my Sangha, whole thing has come from this one process
    • Greatest gift by Mahadeva to all of us
    • Various ways to do Completion
    • <Completion Technique #1>Technique from Mahadeva
      • 94th verse (22nd technique) of VBT – Mahadeva’s definition of completion – Mahadeva is teaching to devi about completion.
      • Beautifully translated and commented by Swami Lakshman Joo and Paul Reps.
      • The Sutra, 94th verse:


Shivagama – Shivajnanopanishad

Or Vijnana Bhairava Tantra –

Sloka number – 94th verse (22nd technique):

Bhairava says:

icÄa*Nt> k«itrœ naiSt mmaNtÉaRvyeidit,

ivkLpana< AÉaven ivkLpEéiJHtae Évet!.

cittädyantaù kåtir nästi mamäntarbhävayediti |

vikalpänäm abhävena vikalpairujjhito bhavet ||.

Chittadyantah Kritir Naasti Mamaantar Bhaavayet Iti |

Vikalpaanaam Abhaavena Vikalpair- Ujjhito Bhavet ||

Just consciously feel within that the mind-stuff (Citta) of past memories of incompletion, with its activities as mind (manas, thoughts), intellect (buddhi, mental cognitions), and ego (ahamkara, root patterns) are not existing in me.

By contemplating (bhāvayet) this way in your inner-space, dis-identify (or unclutch) from the past impressions (of name and form) and the memories of incompletion. Put your active attention (vikalpa) at the space of the past happening, relive these imagined impressions and memories of incompletion (vikalpānām); then the mind-stuff, having fully ceased from its present characteristics (abhāvena) of forming thought-patterns and cognitions, is complete. Thus, you become complete and achieve the original space of complete completion.



citta: mind-stuff, mental substance (made) of past memories; ādi: and so on [i.e. as mind (manas), intellect (buddhi), ego (ahamkara)]; anta: within, internal (referring to internal organ or mind-stuff); kṛitiḥ: function, activities; nāsti: is not existing, is not there; mama: (in) me; antaḥ: inner-space; bhāvayet: by conscious feeling, by contemplating (from emoting ‘bhāvana’, not by mind); iti: thus, in this way; vikalpānām: of the imagination, of thought-patterns, past impressions (consisting of name and form) and memories; abhāvena: dis-identify, unclutch, by ceasing, by absense; vikalpaiḥ: active attention, thought-construct, active imagination; ujjhitaḥ: liberated, complete; bhavet: be, become (complete) or achieve

(note: the above detailed translation has been made from the literal word by word sanskrit meanings researched, taking the context of completion and then merging and structuring the 3 translations given by Swami Lasksman Joo, Paul Reps and Jaidev Singh)

citta ādi antaḥ kṛitiḥ nāsti mama
*mind-stuff or mental substance (from it proceed the 3 vrittis: manas, buddhi, ahamkara)

the functions of Citta are – Memory (smriti), One-pointed awareness or contemplation (dhārana), Enquiry (anusandhāna)

and so on [i.e. as mind (manas), intellect (buddhi), ego (ahamkara) within creation is not me/in me
[root: ‘cit’ means ‘to be consious.’ Citta is the sub-concious mind. The Mind-Stuff or memory bank, in which are stored past memories, experiences. Samskāras or root thought patterns, impressions, or incompletions of actions or incidents are embedded here. One of the four parts of Antaḥkarana and others internally or internal (mind) or antaḥ-karana

(this defines the ‘citta’ which is the inner-mind stufff not the citta as Consciousness)

happening is not existing my
mind (memory) etc. internally (which is unmanifested) action/act of my
thought and intellect, ego etc. in inner-space activity (of mind) mine
consciousness function(ing)
antaḥ bhāvayet

(verb form of “bhāvana”)

iti vikalpānām abhāvena vikalpaiḥ
within (should) meditate upon thus of imagination by absence By active attention (or by imagination)
internally or internal should contemplate on (from the space of feeling or bhāvana) not by the intelectual mind therefore of false notions (of thoughts of incompletion) by negation by the impressions, fancies and imaginations
within the core/inner should concentrate on this (activity of mind) with thought-constructs or mental constructs by non-existence By imagining name and form
internally (which is unmanifested) imagine all these allowing an option or alternative by ceasing
in inner-space put your active attention Of the thought-patterns and cognitions By dis-identifying
imagining distinctions
ujjhitaḥ bhavet
freed Be/becomes
discontinued happens
leave revealed
quit achieve
Liberated/complete* (as per context – using completion)


  • Re-living is Relieving: Pick up the incident you need to complete with. The incident when you developed the incompletion, pick up that incident. Sit with yourself, re-live that whole incident in your inner-space. Re-living is relieving.
  • REMEMBERING is unconscious action which strengthens your incompletion
  • RELIVING: is conscious action which completes your incompletion
  • What is Re-living?
    • See is it was in the past: See you are wearing the same dress, same age, and same form.
    • Just go back to the same situation, same emotions, same intelligence, same intellect, same understanding, same experience, same dress etc.
    • Just become that: Just become a child again, completing. If you are going to complete with an incident which happened at the age of seven, eight, become that seven-year-old boy again. Re-live the same smell of that scene, same emotion, same experience, same dress. Just become that. Re-live that situation exactly. Re-living is relieving.
      • Go through the same experience: You may be crying, you may get tears, you may be having anxiety attack, you may be having panic attack, you may shiver, tremble, you may be carrying so much pain, so much of sadness; it is okay
  • Re-living vs Remembering:
    • Re-living: Bring that same emotion, bring that same experience. Becoming that 7 yr. old boy.
      • Drop this context and go there and relive as it is, as it happened.
      • Don’t retain any intelligence, memory, justification of present NOW – 35 yr. old person. Now the intelligence reasons justifications you have, drop everything and go back.
      • Example – 3 yr. old child playing in rain.
        • Remembering the incident mother cared for you so much, she took care etc.
        • reliving the incident she is a demon, she is an animal, she is cruel
    • Remembering: Having this context and recalling those incidents
      • Having the present context and thinking about past incident
  • Completing is Right. Incompletion is not wrong.
    • Don’t judge what happened. If you judge, you won’t relive.
  • Completion changes your very Physiology
    • Completion is not mental process, you will feel the effect physically
    • It is not just psychological mutation, it is physiological mutation. It touches your very physiology.
  • Stress released from nervous system:
    • Allow whatever got built up during that incident – fear, guilt, shame, and suffering, allow all that to unwind itself in your nervous system. Let all those experience and emotions, unwind itself in your nervous system and get ease.
    • Stress melts down: Every incident the incompletions built during the incident becomes a stress in your nervous system, in your bio memory. When you relive, that knots, that stress melts down. But you have to relive from that context.
    • Relive without justifying: You should feel without justifying that your mother was taking care of your health, you should feel without justifying from this context. Go back and feel your mother is daemon, which is the way you felt at that time. Without the context of present knowledge, without the interpretation of present mind, relive them.
    • Healing of Nervous system & memories released from bio-memory: When you relive them, the tremendous load, unexplainable load you carry, which is a combination of fear, sadness, depression, guilt, self-hatred, self-doubt, self-denial, which is a combination of so many things will all start melting down. Your nervous system will start easing out, your nervous system will start getting healed, and your bio-memory will release those memories from your system. RELIVING is RELIEVING.
    • Incompletions create emotional knots – stops energy flow – stops Kundalini Shakti from getting awakening
      • Once knots r removed, kundlaini Shakti will be awakened – raising you to higher consciousness
    • Don’t justify from present context:
      • When you relive the attack done on you by your mother, you will not justify from present context – No she always did good for you and she has sacrificed everything. she must have done only good for me. I am not saying she has done bad for you, but this context will never be understood by your nervous system which has recorded those bio-memories.
      • Go to that bio-memory, that context, that situation, whatever you know at that time, whatever you recorded at that time, relive that. That is what is Re-living and relieve
    • How many times to relive?
      • Re-live at least five times.
      • Only then your nervous system completely will heal you.
    • Now your future will not be impacted by the past incompletion.
    • Mind will divert you: Don’t allow your mind to feel bored. Your mind will try to divert you. Don’t allow
    • My Commitment to you: I commit with you all, as embodiment of Mahadeva happened to transmit this experience to all of you, with my integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching, I commit with you all, I will completely burn all your incompletions and destroy them
      • Have courage, I am here supporting all of you. Relive and relieve, Complete! I will complete all of you!
      • It is my commitment to burn your incompletion.
      • I will just burn it – your pains, your sadness, your anxiety.
      • It is my responsibility – I am not talking because of ego or pride. A doctor says he is a doctor. It is not pride or boosting. It is just introduction. I am telling you, I am master of burning of sufferings. I can, and I commit with you, I will burn all your sufferings, I will burn all your incompletions, I will destroy them. Don’t be afraid.
      • You just re-live whatever comes out. I will pull it out and destroy it.
    • (if you want) Read what you wrote before starting
    • Step by step instructions:
      • Please close your eyes. Sit straight.
      • Take few moments to consciously forget your present context.
      • Start re-living and relieving.
      • Pick up the incidents one by one. Start re-living and relieving.
      • Relive authentically, consciously forget the present context. Go back to that same age, body, mind, place, space, same mental setup, same identity, same power, same energy, same knowledge level, situation, experience, emotion, dress, smell. Re-live and relieve.
      • Relive each incident at least 5 times
      • Relive till your nervous system gets completed relieved from the impact of incompletions. Relive till then.
      • Don’t be afraid. Relive relive intensely.
      • SONG: Shivoham


  • <Completion Technique #2> – Mirror Completion technique
      • RELIVING in your inner space
        • Possibility to get lost in your thoughts
      • Re-live in Mirror: Look at the mirror and try to re-live the same incident in the mirror.
        • 1st technique you did in your mind. This is with the use of a mirror.
        • Because when your eyes are open, Visualization ability will be more.
        • No Distraction: When you look at the mirror, you will not get distracted.
        • Getting stranded will be reduced drastically with the mirror.
      • Technique:
        • Read the first incident.
        • Lock your both eyes with the reflection in the mirror.
        • Start Reliving. Visualize the whole incident, try to see the whole incident, root incident when you developed the root pattern. See that incident in that mirror and visualize, go on visualizing, re-living at least five times.
        • Relive and relive till that incident, that incompletion loses power over you. That fear, that doubt, that incompletion, that guilt, that shyness, that shame, that hatred loses power over you.
        • Relive with tremendous sincerity, relive from the context of completing not brooding over
        • Then move on to the next incident.


  • What is a Pattern? – forgetting the solution and falling into the same problem again and again.
    • You are joyful, having clarity and understanding in life.
    • After 2 days, you come up with some problem
    • Four days: Think about the problem and find a solution
    • After 2 days, forget the solution and falling into the same problem again.
    • One week : Thinking and finding solution
    • After 2 days, forgetting the same solution and falling into the same problem.
    • This is what is called as PATTERN
  • Root Pattern? All patterns boil down to one root pattern
    • Earliest you felt powerless in your life
    • First time when you started thinking about you, life, and your decision to project you to life.
    • Example.
    • You feel shrinking is the only way of protecting you
      • at some point, when you felt you are in some crisis, danger, your survival is questioned, your survival is threatened
      • You always feel when you are threatened, shrinking is the only way of protecting you
    • How root patterns is created?
      • First time in your life, when you felt threatened, powerless, crisis, the first definition you gave about you in that survival threat– First Inner Image
      • What you feel about the world – First life-image
      • How you decide to respond to the world – First outer-image

Your first inner-image + first outer-image + first life-image is called “Root Pattern

      • Eg. Can be as simple as your brother denying you candy, you sister pulling your leg, uncle threatening to drop you in well
      • Can be really simple or complicated as physical / sexual abuse
      • Eg. Child playing in rain. Mother dragging the child n locking up inside house
        • Inner image: Child would have felt powerless, victimised, felt crisis mode
        • Life image: Mother is cruel, demon, no compassion, no concern
        • Outer image: I have to fight to survive – child kicks the wall, kick the door, call names, shout
    • Unchangeable facts about Root pattern
      • It always gets created before the age of 7
      • Only from root pattern, all incompletions starts happening.
      • After age of 7, root pattern cannot be developed.
      • Lust can never be a root pattern – it is only a parasite pattern
    • Why is Root pattern so powerful?
      • Because it repeats again and again – anything that repeats inside you becomes bondage
      • Anything which repeats inside you again and again becomes powerful karma. You root pattern is the first and foremost pattern which repeats itself thousands and thousands of times in your life.
    • My Presence will do the job – I am not able to remember the exact incident that happened – start doing it in my presence and you will be able to find it.
      • Doing it by yourself before and doing it now in my presence has a huge difference. You will experience it now
      • Beyond logic! – Cannot logically understand but experience will tell
    • Poornatva Vastra will help you – I was given that same kind of cloth when I was initiated into completion by Arunagiri Yogishwara – out of whose bio-memory I was born
      • With this Vastra, you will experience strong connection between you and me.
      • All complications will be cleared
      • I will be continuously guiding you
    • My Commitment – I will support you to find your root pattern.
    • MEDITATION: To identify the first 3 images – Identifying your root pattern
      • Sit straight and close your eyes – relive the first root incident when you felt powerless
      • Relive the earliest incident which made you powerless (no mirror)
      • Identify your root pattern and pen down once you identified.
      • Till then go on reliving , reliving and reliving
      • Find out first time when you felt powerless in your life
      • What was your inner-image at that time?
      • What is the outer-image you created at that time?
      • What is the life-image you created at that time?
    • Pen down the first inner image, first outer image and first others image.
      • Please elaborately write. Not just three statements. Write the whole incident elaborately. Where were you, what was the dress you were wearing, what was the smell of that area, what the people involved in the incident what was their dress, how was your hair-style, what was their body language? Write like a drama script.
    • Mirror completion technique Complete the root pattern with the help of mirror
    • Pattern of Root pattern:
      • Always Inner image will be powerless.
      • Life image will always be – unjust, cheating, cunning, not good, not right
      • Always outer image will be – see I will show u who am I, aggressive,
      • This is the way, naturally root pattern flows.
      • It is like buy 1, get 2 free
    • Swamiji’s sharing his story – teacher trying to wipe out Swamiji’s vibhooti
      • It is not necessary that you need to be powerless when you face some difficult situations in life
      • You don’t need to go through crisis mode
    • All Patterns are completed!
      • When root pattern loses power over you, all the patterns will start losing power over you.
      • If you cut the main thread what will happen? The whole thing will fall apart!
      • Root pattern is the main thread
  • Sharing about Root Pattern and Swamiji to give insights whether they have found it properly



  • GAME on sharing the 3 patterns
    • Be in sync with your real images: unique game – for the first time, you be in total sync with the reality of your inner image, outer image and life image.

    • Go around the room and introduce yourself to every other person in the hall.

    • You will not introduce yourself like how you usually do with your name, place, and profession. Instead, you will introduce the “real you” to others. That means you will introduce yourself with your “actual inner image” statement, “your outer image statement” and your “actual life image statements!”

Example: Hi! For myself, I am a failure, a loser and an incapable idiot; for you I am strong, successful and hard working. And, for me, YOU are a nasty cheat and a cheap fraudster donkey who is out there to cheat me! Come on start…

  • Start with opposite gender first and then move to the same gender. And most importantly you have to use the exact emotion when you do this. For example, if you feel the other is your enemy, you cannot tell that in a friendly and polite way. You have to tell it with the emotion that you would use when you think and speak about your enemy!
  • Anything you open it – it will lose power over you
  • Sharing about learnings from the game.
  • Completing the Root Patterns
  • Root incident you discovered, you have completed within you
    • When you complete with Yourself, it is Poornatva Kriya
    • When you complete with mirror, it is Sva-poornatva Kriya (Completion with yourself)
    • At least 5 times, complete with your root incident.
  • Mirror Completion technique
  • Only afer SDK you will have the space to look into your root pattern.


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