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How to bring collective integrity? You need to start working with people, listening, bringing completion with yourself and others. Manifest everyone’s reality in your teamily / ecosystem. Create an ambience where everyone’s vision and ambition is shared and everyone works together. Any kailasa where the collective integrity becomes reality that kailasa will be successful, that's all!
The ecosystem that you are living in is your Teamily. Teamily = Team (people that you work with) + Family (people that you live with) You will see person in your Teamily will reflect someone in your (pre-adheenvasi) life For eg. Somebody is resembling your boss, father-in-law, sister-in-law. Somebody resembling your subordinate, somebody resembling your employer, boss, resembling your daughter This process Makes Collective Integrity a day-to-day reality in your life. SPH has made tons of people realize and live in Advaita. Relationships are an extension of you. If someone in your teamily is not listening to you, it is because you can’t convince some part of you. WHY TEAMILY? Everybody who is a part of your life is reflection of some part of you If there is somebody who you are not able to complete with there is some part of you with which you are incomplete Completion is not agreeing or disagreeing. Agreeing and disagreeing putting you in powerlessness is incompletion. Space you carry mirrors through every person’s situation in your life. When you complete with your teamily , your body’s internal organs will fall into completion. For e..g : whenever you have a stomach problem, see, you must have been in incompletion with people who are working under you. Bring Completion with them; your stomach will be healed. This process will churn your being to bring Completion with your teamily. Make a list of all the members in your ecosystem
How to create other reality through this process? Find here
About Lesson

You will now contemplate, do manana on manifesting the reality you want to experience and express in your life.  Please understand in any aspect of your life where you want to create and experience a new reality, the biggest barrier is an already existing “influence of your past incompletions” you are already living in that aspect of your life.  

What influences our Present moment?

Let us now look at the three different aspects of the time cycle – Past, Present and Future. Technically we all are in the present moment. Isn’t it? Past has gone and the future has not yet come. What we have in hand and where we live is ONLY in the present moment. Is it not? Now let us look at this question – can you tell me what you think determines who you are being in the present moment? I mean what do you think gives you the experience of life in the present moment? We usually think that who we are being in the present moment is given by our past moment. Actually who you are being in the ‘present’ moment of your life is filled by the ‘future’ into which you are living, so for most part, the present moment is filled by the future. For example, recollect the last day of the annual exams when you were in school. What was your mood on that day? You were so excited, happy and relaxed – why? because the future called 2 months of holidays was impacting who you were being in the present moment on that last exam day. 

So continuously your present is filled with the future. And the tragedy is that your future is completely filled with your past! How do I say this? Let us take an example. An eight year old girl is in a history class. The teacher asks “who was the 1st prime minister of India?” Our little girl enthusiastically raises her hand and replies ‘Mahatma Gandhi.’ The whole class bursts out in laughter. How do you think she would respond to this reaction? What would she decide at that moment? Yes, she may feel embarrassed and may decide never to raise her hand when a question is asked in a group. Where does that decision of her live? Yes, in her future. She decides in FUTURE never to raise her hand and talk.  So the incompletion that happened in this child at the age of 8 will influence the way she behaves, takes decisions and cognizes for the rest of her life!

So 20 years later, the girl who is now an adult, is sitting in a team meeting at her work place. The team is brainstorming about an issue and the manager is asking for suggestions. The girl has very good ideas that can help solve the problem. But her past experience and the embarrassing feeling she carries inside her will not allow her to raise her hand and talk. She may whisper the idea to her colleague and ask that person to share with the group. Then what will happen? The colleague will get the credit and she will lose visibility. 

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